The 12 Ways Of Christmas…
#5 – How We Spell Love At Christmas…. TIME!

“Connecting with friends and family; planning travel and meet ups”
Your time is the most precious commodity you have. Once it is spent it is gone for good. You can’t save it and you can’t bank it.
Spend it very wisely.
Who do you wan’t to spend time with? Make a priority list of the people you wan to be with.
We create a calendar and start planning hook ups. This enables us to easily accept invitations or indeed respectfully decline.
We also consider how we can mix and match friends and relatives so we can see more than 1 or 2 people at a time without too much stress.
Remember to plan down time. It is after all supposed to be a holiday!
Have a great time!
Jenny xxx
The 12 Ways of Christmas….. Click on any of the 12 Ways below to open
1. Financial Happiness: Set your budget
2. Seasonal Greetings: Sending messages at Christmas and the New Year
3. Intentional Gifting: Exchanging gifts
4. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas: Dressing your home
5. How we spell love at Christmas… TIME: Connecting with friends and family; planning travel
6. Community Connections: Attending spiritual or seasonal events and functions
7. Spending your Calories Wisely: Buying and preparing food and drink
8. More Dress less Stress: Putting together your Christmas outfits
9. It is far better to Give than to Receive: Planning charitable giving
10. Is there Room at the Inn?: Sharing your festivities
11. Give yourself the Present of Presence
12. Enjoy the Now: Take time in each moment to notice the joy and be grateful
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