The 12 Ways Of Christmas…
#6 – Community Connections

Attending Spiritual or Seasonal Events and Functions
I really don’t mean to be too generalistic however I do thing we are seeing the slow disintegration of community as we used to understand it.
There are many people who do not have the benefit or luxury of friends, family, neighbours or work colleagues and can live in isolation and loneliness.
Christmas or holidays can act as a major magnifying glass for loneliness and sadness. The world is presented as a glowing, happy place of love and relationships and if these are not present in your own life can you be left feeling you are the only one who is alone.
However it doesn’t need to be this way.
There are lots of community activities you can get involved with.
Community singing, Carol Concerts. Volunteering in hospitals or homes. Visiting craft fayres or indeed joining crafting clubs or groups.
There are lots of originations who desperately need volunteers. Consider becoming a befriender to a youth, teen or elderly person.
Wherever you decide to go be confident that there will be lots of lovely people who will welcome you with warmth and kindness. You never know you may be the difference in somebody else life that they will value and appreciate.
The 12 Ways of Christmas….. Click on any of the 12 Ways below to open
1. Financial Happiness: Set your budget
2. Seasonal Greetings: Sending messages at Christmas and the New Year
3. Intentional Gifting: Exchanging gifts
4. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas: Dressing your home
5. How we spell love at Christmas… TIME: Connecting with friends and family; planning travel
6. Community Connections: Attending spiritual or seasonal events and functions
7. Spending your Calories Wisely: Buying and preparing food and drink
8. More Dress less Stress: Putting together your Christmas outfits
9. It is far better to Give than to Receive: Planning charitable giving
10. Is there Room at the Inn?: Sharing your festivities
11. Give yourself the Present of Presence
12. Enjoy the Now: Take time in each moment to notice the joy and be grateful
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