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End With The Start In Mind, Start With The End In Heart

Jenny Copeland, Drive-Thru Success

9th October 2018

“Everything is created three times.
In the heart. In the mind. In reality”

When I was 25 I was gifted a copy of Deepak Chopra’s 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by my wonderful Aunt Ann, and this introduced me to the world of metaphysics and quantum theory and introduced me to the science and philosophy of manifestation and achievement.

A few years later I was encouraged to read Stephen Coveys 7 Habits of Successful People by my wonderful friend Debs, and my journey towards becoming a qualified coach began.

I have learnt so much from both Covey’s and Chopra’s work and I aspire to impact the world as they have.

At the age of 40 I was ready to formally enter the world of coaching as a qualified practitioner. I was looking for a phrase that I felt defined my coach philosophy I wanted to use Coveys “Start with the end in mind” but I felt it was missing something so I tweaked it to “End with the start in mind, start with the end in heart.”

In essence I am reminded that when we are driven by our sense of purpose – our vision or “why”, our heart centred passion and our activities become meaningful. Our energy is aligned and we go into flow.

Flow is that space that is almost a form of meditation. We become immersed and usually creative and inspired. Action flows easily and we often notice enablers, solutions and help magically appear and we have a sense of ease and wellbeing.

In order to experience this we have to spend time clarifying our why and vision and take time to review and amend it regularly. With clarity comes ease and also the power to say no to activities that are not in alignment with your vision and purpose.

Please feel free to share what is in your heart .. your “why”.

Jenny x

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