The Drive-Thru Success Story
Taken from the Preface of the Drive-Thru Success Book
Jenny’s Intro
I wanted to write a book that would enable me to share the simplest process in the world to creating a fulfilling and happy life. I feel fulfilled in life because I am clear about my vision and I have found the time to take the necessary actions to see my dreams come true, this book being one of them.
Drive-Thru Success represents the latest school of thought in the field of coaching, positive psychology, personal success and manifestation. It is the result of 30 years of coaching hundreds of people in a variety of ways: one-to-one, in groups, privately, corporately and in the community.
For 30 years I have studied and obtained a range of qualifications in the following philosophies:
- performance psychology;
- coaching;
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP);
- success psychology and the Law of Attraction with Bob Proctor (featured contributor to the Secret by Rhonda Byrne); and
- meta physics (but don’t let that put you off) which has enabled me to understand not only the how of achievement, but also the why.
I have done the reading, experimentation and distillation of information on your behalf and from that have created a refined, effective process that you can follow with confidence. Knowing that by doing so, you will get the results you want, fast.
The personal development industry has been growing steadily for the past 100 years and since the late 90s coaching has been recognised as a profession in its own right. Coaching as a discipline is primarily future focused. It challenges you on the basis of what you need to do differently for things to be better or for you to have the things you want that you don’t yet have.
Coaching as a discipline is not counselling however it is worthwhile acknowledging that many of the barriers to success are beliefs, behaviours and habits that have been laid down in the past. Coaching does seek to eliminate or address these behaviours in order for the client to be free to behave in a way that will allow them to be, do or have what they want. Before we begin to share our exciting journey of discovery you probably want to know:
Who am I? And what qualifies me to be able to tell you about being successful?
I am a Performance Improvement Coach who for the last 30 years has been providing leadership and organisational development solutions, enabling performance improvement, and delivering organisational success for large and small businesses, both public and private sectors, and more recently for the NHS .
For individuals, I run a successful performance improvement company, Secrets of Success. I help executives, and everybody from eight-year-old children to 80-year-old children (at heart anyway) get more from their by lives by creating a life of happiness and fulfilment.
Today, I am a mother to three wonderful children and a wife to a wonderful man. As well as coaching (both voluntary and paid) I work out, practice yoga, attend a visualisation group and continue to expand my knowledge in the field of personal development so that I can be a more effective person, coach and author.

My cup really does runneth over, but it hasn’t always been like this.
I was born in London, the daughter of two relatively under-educated Irish runaways. Life was tough and we were poor. I left school with only a handful of O Levels, but I have achieved success in business through hard work and determination. I have been married twice and I was a single parent for 6 years. I have experienced debt, ill health, alcoholism in loved ones, failure, and success.
I started what I call my ‘formal education’ at 40, and since then I continue to absorb every drop of joy out of life. However, I, like you, am a human being living each day as it comes, dealing with daily challenges and looking out for opportunities. I am real and vulnerable, but hopeful – always endeavouring to live my life to its fullest capacity.
My challenge here is how do I get to share my secrets with you, the reader, in the limited time I have available?
Recognising that most of you don’t have the time to devote to long drawn-out publications, I have decided to keep this book as concise, simple and practical as possible. Therefore this book is designed to be an interactive workbook in which I have used and adapted exercises from some of the best personal development programmes and philosophies in the world. Completed in the order that they have been organised, they will give you the very best and the fastest results.
But you don’t need to take my word for it! By way of a living endorsement I have joined forces with my co-driver, Vhairi Slaven. Vhairi has joined me and has test-driven all of the exercises, kindly sharing her thoughts and experiences along the way. She has not held back and I hope by observing her journey you can see how you too can benefit from Drive-Thru Success even when you are not totally sure about your own understanding.
Vhairi’s Intro
Before I knew anything about energy, I went along with things, with no real sense of direction, no goals, and no beliefs. I thought for a time that meaning in life could come from love, and didn’t at the time understand that when people talk about love being ‘all you need’ and such, they are not talking about romantic love, but a different kind. I lived like someone who did not believe in anything, and I realised that being loved by a man was not only not enough, but that it actually accentuated all of the feelings of depression, unworthiness and hopelessness that I was experiencing.
I realised that I couldn’t continue in life without believing in something. I had to search for something or I was going to self-destruct completely. I cared too much for the people in my life to do that. So during that time, unconsciously, in my darker moments, I begged to some higher knowledge, whatever it was that was out there, to show me a way to pull myself out of that way of thinking and show me what my purpose is. Irrespective of how rational or not it is to believe in a higher power, I was very aware that it was important for me if I wanted to do anything except suffer. I see now, that it was in fact, my first experience of ASK.
In my twenties, I met an older couple who had done something called the Silva Course which was very popular in the 80s. They continually talked about energy and ‘asking the angels’. I thought they were very eccentric, but articulate, intelligent and interested in talking about life. I felt liberated finding people willing to talk to me about these things. My family and friends always made comments about me being too deep, but here I was sitting in my office in a picturesque village in the country speaking to a 70-year old man about the fact that everything was made of energy, and that it came from some kind of power that we did not fully understand.
They gave me a book by Louise Hay called Affirmations to Heal Your Life. It was very sad in the beginning. I was so unused to talking to myself in a loving, forgiving, positive way. It made me realise how cruel I had been to myself. I read many other books looking for answers – about religions, philosophies, and life experiences. Finally a book called Joyful Wisdom by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche changed the way I thought about everything in a simple, reasonable and practical way. I read several other books about Buddhism, and decided that I liked the way they thought about things.

At the age of 28, I decided to learn to drive. It was the first big thing I had tried to achieve in years. It took me eight attempts to pass, and in order to calm my nerves I tried out what I had been reading about in the books: meditating. It calmed me in a way nothing ever had before. I began to be more open to different ideas and understandings about life, and I found an understanding of it that I knew would never be confirmed, that sounded irrational, but that I believed in anyway. I had found faith, and it felt like finally I might be able to pull myself out of the slump that I was in.
I was still not on the right path, however. The stress and unhappiness with the work I was doing encouraged me to make the decision to go to Australia. Had I not been introduced to this kind of thought I would never have believed I could get there, I would not have had the motivation to save, or the balls to go on my own. I travelled for 2 years and the experience changed the way I saw everything around me. I also started writing again, something I had done as a child.
When I came home I decided that I wanted to be a writer. I poured into words everything I was thinking and feeling, everything I had learned and now understood about life, and I realised that this was my medicine. I also realised that it was something that I could work hard at and that could give me the opportunities to make a living doing something I love, as well as travel. I decided to make it my vision to be a paid writer.
I read a book called Grace by Christine McGrory. It explained all of the self-development ideas and practices that I was becoming drawn to in a simple, reasonable and graceful way. It inspired me to create a vision board. I started writing down what it was I wanted out of life. I wrote it in lists, I wrote stories about it, and I drew it in a picture. I did The Key® weekend course with the author of Grace, which yet again cemented the things I believed, explained the science of energy and gave me a greater understanding of the kinds of things to do to believe you deserve the things you want to achieve.
I read Jack Canfield’s Principles of Success and did the exercises in it. Again I wrote down the things that I wanted the most. One of the things I wrote down was that I wanted a mentor and to find more people who I could talk to about the things I was really interested in. I wanted to get paid to write.
Slowly, but surely, I am getting the things I ASK for – working on this book with Jenny is one of them.
My visions are now lofty, and I have a fair distance to go in my learning and development, but I have to acknowledge how far I have come. I feel like I belong here on this earth, and that I am worthy of being happy. I am no longer nervous and self-conscious. I can walk into a room with my head held high, completely sober. I can honestly say that I am completely comfortable in my own skin. I sincerely want everyone to feel the same, which is why I have decided to share my journey with you as I test-drive Drive-Thru Success.