Download Drive-Thru Success Exercises in PDF Format Exercise 1: Defining success Exercise 2: Celebrate yourself Exercise 3: Success at Being Someone Exercise 4: What you put your focus on is what you get Exercise 5a: Wants and Don’t Wants Exercise 5b: Create Your Future Exercise 6: Creating My Vision Exercise 7: The L’Oreal List – Because I’m worth it Exercise 8: Would I rather be right than happy? Exercise 9: Let it go. Reflecting on times when you were focused on being right Exercise 10a: Priorities Exercise 10b: Private Victories Exercise 11: Relationship Enhancer Exercise 12: Let them go Exercise 13: Vibration Management: Bedtime Routine Exercise 13: Vibration Management: Gratitude Exercise 14: My Vision Reloaded Exercise 15: Life Improvement Action PlanSign up below and get the Drive-Thru Success Weekly Guidance emails direct to your inbox.[et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_3″] Buy the Amazon Kindle ebook Buy the book on Amazon Buy a signed copy of the book